About Me

Hi, I am Felippe! 30 years old oceanographer from Sao Paulo, Brazil. I am currently based on Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, working as Physical Oceanographer and Data Engineer at the Brazilian Navy Hydrographic Center.

I have my Bachelor's in Oceanography from the Federal University of Rio Grande, FURG, in 2017. During my undergrad period, I belonged to the Laboratory for Studies of Oceans and Climate (LEOC), since 2013, place where I developed many skills from academic and research field, also having the opportunities to participate of cruize expeditions, along the brazilian coast and Antartica. I focused my undergrad on Physical Oceanography, major's that I am passionate about it. It was during my internship on LEOC that I started my interest in programming and tech.

During my undergrad period, I had the opportuniy to have a Scholarship sponsored by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq - Brazil) to study in Adelaide, Australia, for 15 months. More than an incredible academic moment, it was also a amazing personal and cultural experience in my life. In my period at the University of South Australia - UniSA, I studied subjects related with Environmental Sciences along two semesters. At the end of my exchange period, I was awarded with a Summer Scholarship from the Australian Research Council - Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science, when I then moved to Sydney to be a intern during 6 weeks at the Climate Change Reserch Centre (CCRC), in the University of New South Wales (UNSW).

Back in Brazil, I finished my degree and went back to São Paulo to work as a Data Analyst in a Digital Marketing Consultancy Agency. It was a challenge to be in such a different working environment, outside the academy. However, it was also a great opportunity for my professional development. Such job contributed to improve my tech skills: I learned new technologies, key concepts of Business, company’s routine and, how to work in a data team (work-flow, Agile methodologies).

Today, besides my currently job, I keep studying Data Science and Data Engineer with books, tutorials and online courses. and also doing a Master's in Meteorology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), being part of the Laboratory of Physical Oceanography.



Professional Experience

my path

Professional Experience

Physical Oceanographer & Data Engineer

Brazilian Navy Hydrographic Center

Niterói, RJ - BRAZIL

2020.03 - Now

Working within the scope of a R&D project called REMO (Oceanographic Observation and Modeling Network), a research group focused on better understand the climate and ocean phenomenas ocurring along the Brazilian Coast, using data from models and also from meteo-oceanographic buoys, which are part of the Brazilian National Program Buoys (PNBOIA), a monitoring program focused to collect in-situ meteorological and oceanographic data.

Duties & Activities:

  • Web Scraping of environmental data from several sources;
  • Database Administration and Manipulation;
  • ETL; Pipeline with python scripts to collect data from API's/WebSites, proccess and store the data.
  • Automated reports;
  • Data analysis reports;
  • Custom Dashboards with Real Time Data.

Techs used:

  • Python
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Linux
  • Git

Teacher Assistant

Federal University of Technology -Parana | UTFPR

Dois Vizinhos, PR - BRAZIL

2021.05 - 2021.08

T.A. of the Data Science Specialization Course (postgraduate/MBA course), with the role of attending students on their questions about the Spatial Databases course content.

Duties & Activities:

  • Attend students on their questions;
  • Assignments correction.

Data Analyst

Vitrio - Digital Marketing Consultancy Agency

São Paulo, SP - BRAZIL

2019.03 - 2020.03

Started as a Junior Data Analyst, had the oppportunity to learn important process of a business company and also learn about Digital Marketing and Business Intelligence. After the learn process, worked with a team focused on use specially Google Analytics data from clients to better understand their performance on Ecommerce sales, Branding Awareness and Social Media Performance.

Duties & Activities:

  • Create and Replicate Dashboards with KPI's and other metrics from clients;
  • R Scripts to collect data from API's (Google, Facebook, etc);
  • Process and analyse data to specifc demands;
  • Create tables on database (Google BigQuery);
  • Create pipelines of extraction, processing and load data into database (Google BigQuery).

Techs used:

  • R
  • Google DataStudio
  • Google BigQuery
  • Google SpreadSheets
  • Google Analytics
  • Python
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Google BigQuery
  • Google SpreadSheets

Interships & Grants

Laboratory for Studies of Oceans and Climate - LEOC

Federal University of Rio Grande | FURG

Rio Grande, RS - BRAZIL

2013.08 - 2015.10 | 2017.03 - 2017.12

Scientific Initiation Scholarship

Intern during the most part of the undergrad period. Learned, developed and improved skills such as scientific methodology, critical thinking, work team (in laboratory and in fhe field).

  • Data organization in Excel tables;
  • Oceanographic Instrumentation (Clean, Tests and Calibration);
  • Participate in Scientific Expeditions Cruises ;
  • Environmental Data Process and Analytics;
  • Scientific papers contribution.
  • Development of Monography with satelellite data.

Climate Change Researche Centre - CCRC

University of New South Wales | UNSW

Sydney, NSW - Australia

2017.01 - 2017.02

Summer Vacation Scholarship

Sponsor: Australian Research Council - Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science

As a 6 weeks summer intern, learned about a Large Scale phenomena in the oceans, called Rossby Waves (or Westward Propagating Signal). At this period, part of time was focused on reading scientific papers and other part focused on Remote Sensing Data Analysies (Sea Level Anomaly), .

  • Search and Study papers related with Rossby Waves.
  • MatLab programming with receipes provided by the supervisor.
  • Collect and process Remote Sensing Data (Sea Level Anomaly).


  • Degrees
  • Now
    Federal University of Rio de Janeiro | UFRJ

  • 2021.08
    Federal University of Technology of Parana - UTFPR

  • 2017
    Federal University of Rio Grande | FURG

  • Study Abroad
  • 2016.12
    University of South Australia | UniSA




Federal University of Rio de Janeiro | UFRJ

2021.05 - On going

Data Science


Federal University of Technology - Parana | UTFPR

2020.05 - 2021.08

Studied general topics of Computer Science, including technical and academic research methods.



Federal University of Rio Grande | FURG

2011.03 - 2017.12

Exchange Period

Environmental Sciences

University of South Australia | UniSA

Science Without Borders Scholarship

Sponsor: National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)


2016.02 - 2016.12


Conference Papers


  • Handling Fuzzy Spatial Data in R Using the fsr Package

  • Paper Link


  • Package//Software Development (in R language)

Journal Papers


  • The Effect of Agulhas Eddies on Absorption and Transport of Anthropogenic Carbon in the South Atlantic Ocean

  • Paper Link


  • Process georeferenced data data from several scientific cruises and match location/time with the MESOSCALE EDDY TRAJECTORY ATLAS PRODUCT, finding the locations where Eddies were sampled during the cruises;


  • The impact of mesoscale eddies on the phytoplankton community in the South Atlantic Ocean: HPLC-CHEMTAX approach

  • Paper Link



  • The sea-air CO2 net fluxes in the South Atlantic Ocean and the role played by Agulhas eddies

  • Paper Link


    • Collect and process Remote Sensing Data (Sea Level Anomaly) from AVISO;
    • Process, analyse and locate the same eddies sampled on a Expedition Cruise in the MESOSCALE EDDY TRAJECTORY ATLAS PRODUCT, getting its features (radius, speeed and activitie days)
    • Below is a video with both data together and also the eddies studied on the paper (created with MatLab):

Data & TECH

Programming Languages


Other Techs

Programming Languages


My first contact with Python was in 2016, in my Problem Solving class, at the UniSA. Since then, I continued studying the language as a part of my path into Tech, however I just started to use in my day-to-day work in 2019, when I used the language to collect data from API's, analyse data and to automate some process at my last job. At my currently job, Python is my main language, where I use basically for everything, since from ETL to create WebApps and DashBoards.

Main Libraries:

Data Processing & Analytics

  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • Xarray

Web Scraping & Crawling

  • Request
  • BeautifulSoup
  • Selenium

Data Visualization

  • Matplotlib
  • Seaborn
  • Plotly
  • Cartopy
  • Dashboards:

    • Dash (by Plotly)
    • Streamlit

WebDev & API's

  • Flask
  • ElasticSearch

Machine Learning

  • Scikit-learn


  • PySpark
  • Apache Airflow
  • OpenCV


  • Psycopg2
  • SQLAlchemy


Although I had contact with R back during my undergraduation, it was just in 2018 that I started to learn R with online courses and small projects and in 2019 I started to use as main language at work. The Data team that I was part used R for most of the process of the company, so it was a moment that I increased my knowledge and skills in R. At the moment, I continue studying and using R in some projects of my specialization course and also some personal projects.

Main Libraries:

Data Processing & Analytics

  • dplyr
  • tidyverse
  • sf
  • tidyverse
  • rgdal
  • rgeos

Web Scraping

  • rvest
  • splashr
  • RSelenium

Data Visualization

  • ggplot2
  • plotly

Geo Spatial Data

  • sf
  • sp
  • rgdal


  • Rpostgres

Software Development

  • devtools
  • roxygen2


MatLab was the first programming language that I learned. Back some years ago, MatLab was the main language in physical oceanography to proccess and analyze meteo-oceanographic and remote sensing data, so it was natural to learn this language when I started as a intern at the Laboratory of Studies for Ocean and Climate, at my university, FURG. I worked more with this language in my last years as undergrad student, specially after my period at UNSW as a summer intern.

My first 3 published papers(and total at the moment), all as co-author, I had the role to collect and process remote sensing, geospatial and environmental data. You can check the papers and details in here .

Web Development

Basic knowledge in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, specially to create web scraping scripts. Although I never have created a full website (front-end + back-end), I made this website with a template from HTML5 UP website, with several modifications and inclusion of some features.


Relational Database Management Systems

Experience with DBMS such as Postgres and MySQL, which are the systems that I use at my currently work, specially Postgres. I also have experience with Google BigQuery. My experience and knowledge with Database are:



  • Postgres
  • MySQL

Data Modeling

  • Conceptual Modeling
  • Logical Modeling
  • Physical Modeling
  • Database Normalization

SQL Commands

  • DDL - Data Definition Language
  • DQL - Data Query Language
  • DML - Data Manipulation Language
  • DCL - Data Control Language
  • TCL - Transaction Control Language
  • Has also knowledge in Data Warehouse and NoSQL Databases.

Other Techs


  • Linux
  • Git Control


  • Microsoft Word
  • LibreOffice Writer
  • Latex


  • Microsoft Power Point
  • Libre Office Impress
  • Google Slides


  • Google Sheets
  • Microsoft Excel
  • LibreOffice Calc

Data Visualization

  • Google DataStudio


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